ETC based systems are cheaper than FPC based system. 它们在寒冷的地区表现更好,在零度以下的温度下避免结冰问题. 基于FPC的系统在零下温度下也能很好地使用防冻液,但成本会增加. In other regions, both perform equally well. Systems working on thermosyphon principle are simple and relatively inexpensive. They are suitable for domestic and small institutional applications, provided water quality is good and it doesn’t have large chlorine contents. 强制循环系统通常优选于工业或大型机构. At places where water is hard and have larger chlorine content, if FPC based system is being installed, 它必须与热交换器,因为它将避免水垢沉积在十大赌博靠谱网站平台集热器的铜管中,这可能会阻碍水的流动,并降低其热量
performance. 基于ETC的系统不会阻塞水流,但由于玻璃管内表面的盐含量沉积,其性能可能会下降, which could be cleaned easily once in a year or so.